I am Éva Gárdonyi, I have been painting typically figurative pictures on canvas since 2017.
Initially, I painted personal mandalas, which I designed and painted based on an individual discussion, using unique patterns. Later, figurative themes, especially Nature and human figures influenced my work.
My paintings depicting human figures in addition to realistic features, also play with “naive” abstract elements. The combination of these two styles represents the artistic expression in which I can create myself and with which I can convey harmony to my viewers. The realism that goes into the details and the abstraction that goes beyond everything can create order. Can connect logical thinking with artistic perception; feelings, with rationalism; worldly things with fantasy or even spiritualism.
Group exhibitions:
- Titok Gallery, Budapest, 2022 (Eve of the 21st Century)
- Jancsó Art Gallery, Budapest, 2022 (Forgotten Land, Lake Reflection, Dance of the Clouds)
- Jancsó Art Gallery exhibition “Moho” sapiens, Budapest, K11 Arts and Culture Center, 2021 (Eve of the 21st Century) – I achieved 2nd place
- Jancsó Art Gallery exhibition ‘Quarantine’, Budapest, 2021 (Always Blue – Above the Clouds)
- XII. The Talent Fine Art Competition “Landscape, cityscape, industrial landscape” exhibition, (Lake Reflection)
- Szimpla Garden, Budapest, 2020
- Dürer Garden, Budapest, 2020
- Eötvös10, Budapest, 2020
- Bakelit Multi Art Center, Budapest, 2019
- Zsilip Art Center exhibition ‘Summer’, Városház Gallery, Budapest, 2018 (Eye Candy)
- You can read an interview with me on the link below: http://modiz.hu/szinek-formak-otthonok/
- MODIZ, 2021, 1135 Budapest, Petneházy u. 82.
- Fittnass Sugar-Free Confectionery, on the ground floor of Duna Pláza, from 09/2021 (Ice Cream Cake, Chocolate Cream Pie, Drip Cake, Strawberry Cake)
- LiftArt ‘Foolisness’ competiton, 2019, Budapest (Foot Fetish)
- Charity auction of The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity , 27. Finał WOŚP, Budapest, 2019 (The Secret Garden)