Since I have made my paintings public, I have been thinking here mainly of the Instagram platform, I have been able to keep track of what really interests you. What images are the ones you enjoyed looking at, what are the ones that easily pique your interest… And yes, these are mostly the abstract images.
Why the abstracts?
Based on the images you like the most, you seem to love colours, Nature, and pastose painting. The phrase means creating with a thickly applied layer of paint, which can conjure a truly special and unique texture for a painting. The easiest way to apply these paint layers is to use palette knife, which results in this good little plastic effect. I don’t think I’m going to reveal a big secret when I say I love this technique too. I think now you too will easily discover it in several of my abstract paintings.
Going back to the original theme, I fully understand why you love these artworks, since we really need colours in the monotonous everyday life. We can cheer up not only our surroundings or a room with an abstract painting, but we can also influence our own mood with its colours. In addition, we long and miss the closeness of Nature, we like to recharge by looking at a photo / painting that evokes summer moments. Especially if it is made in a different way or technique than usual.
Abstract images typically represent reality in a different way than usual. And my abstracts display it recognisably in most cases. I prefer paintings in which it is easy to discover the theme that inspired it or what it wants to display. I like if the painting’s mood enchants me, influences my emotions with its colours, but I also like if it let me understand it to some level. There is a kind of need in me (and in my experience probably also in you) to lead us to the border of figurative reality and the abstract. But still few dare to go. Maybe I don’t dare cross that line with my paintings either. I like to immerse myself in art, I want the abstract and the elusive, but I like to do it all so that at any moment I can return to the usual, well-proven patterns, the reality of comfort. My abstract images mostly lead you to this limit.
For you to know, you are safe here too!